What is the United Nations Organization?
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.
TechGirls 2020: (YOU)nited Nations Pathway

Abby is passionate about technology, education, and design. She is driven by the ways that technology can integrate with other fields, valuing the creativity in STEM. She loves the way technology can be used for social good and how she can use her skills to make an impact. With this, she hopes to accomplish goals 4 and 5 by outreaching STEAM subjects to young girls through her program STEAM Sisters. She strongly advocates for educational equity and equal opportunities as listed by the SDGs.

Adya, an upcoming sophomore, has a passion for research, and is currently developing a sensor with the ability to inform the user of the glucose content in their urine. She believes that this technique may have significant implications in the diabetes industry, as she is introducing a non-intravenous method to confirm diabetes. In addition, she has been volunteering at a memory care for a year and a half now, assisting patients with dementia, Alzheimer's, and other neurodegenerative diseases. She believes in the value of helping others, and enjoys volunteering in her community.

Alae has always been interested about SDGs, and as a result, many of her volunteering activities surround them. She volunteers at an organization to provide people in villages and in the rural world with their basic needs like food and clothes. In addition, she works with parents and students to share awareness about mental and psychological health, helps them in dealing with teenagers and explains some basic virology. Alae is going to serve her community more so she can find solutions for the SDGs.

In order to boost quality education to all children in her country, especially those who suffer from disorders such as dyslexia, Angie designed an application and online lessons with a team in the Lebanese educational ministry. In addition, she participated with a Lebanese organization to help orphanage centers in the community, as well as a humanitarian campaign to distribute food to the poor. Angie has also worked alongside a Lebanese association for aiding children with disorders by interviewing staff and talking to children who had participated in a blood drive with DSC association in Lebanon to donate blood and encourage people to do so as well,

To achieve her goal to increase the quality of education, Daniya has worked with children in orphanages. In addition, she has participated in a scientific exhibition regarding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In the future, she aims to travel to orphanages all over the world, and assist as many children as she can. In her opinion, proper education is crucial in this day and age.


Extracurricular activities and volunteering experiences had a great role in shaping up my personality . in 2018, I created charity group under the name of” Ihssan team “ , to help out children in need financially by receiving large sums of contributions from people and allocating them to buy clothes, school supplies, toys. After analyzing the SDGs within this incredible experience I will try to focus more on providing inclusive and free courses to kids in primary schools enhancing technology .i was also in charge of some local cleaning campaigns organized by” Radio Medea”. To serve to settle peace and resolve today’s issues, I joined the media youth club in which we debate continuously the social needs of the community and come up with efficient results to apply as projects helping to raise awareness within society.

Mai, she is passionate about coding, and she has
participated in many coding programs. then she has started a coding club at her school, with
the intention of increasing student interest in
technology and coding. she created an app
that connects victims of bullying and those
with mental illness with health professionals.
also, Mai has started her own campaign that stands against early marriage, and gender inequality.

Menna went to an event for UN Women Organization in Febuary 2020 under the theme of “orange the world,” to end violence against women. This inspired her to share what she learnt with girls from her school. She is willing to spark change, inspire and empower girls everywhere as she aims to engage more in her community and worldwide by participating with organizations.

Three years ago, Nada realized that her community lacks cancer facilities necessary for women. Thus, she felt an awakening call to contribute to the solution. That’s when she found the Hayat Foundation. It aims to construct a charity cancer hospital in Al-Arish. Nada contributed to its charity work, blood donation campaigns, and facilitating school supplies to students who come from low-income families. One year later, authorities agreed to specify a land for the hospital. Currently, she is looking for inspiring people to change for the better, and In the future, she wants to encourage girls in her community to be aware of world issues, to choose which career to pursue, and fight for justice and equality.


Salma has always been open to all the SDGs, so she is planning to participate in many community services either about education or environment. In order to raise awareness, she wants to donate, help, and share the best of her knowledge with others, and spread passion and confidence so everyone can all cooperate to make a positive change. She also wants to teach little children some drawing skills and help them with their studies.


Two years ago, Zebo created an NGO called "Jahoni bo Farosat.” This organization works for the betterment of Tajikistan. She focuses especially in rural areas of her country, and promotes gender equality. With her curriculum, girls develop their leadership skills, as well as critical and creative thinking skills. Through debates, she teaches them to think out of the box. This leadership action program helps girls to share with their communities things that they have learnt through this organzation